Why woman-grown coffee just tastes better and why we support these women.

“Study after study has confirmed that there is no development strategy more beneficial to society as a whole— women and men alike— than one which involves women as central players. No other policy is as likely to raise economic productivity, lower infant and maternal mortality or improve nutrition and promote health. When women are fully involved, the benefits can be seen immediately: families are healthier; they are better fed; their income, savings and reinvestment go up. And what is true of families is true of communities and, eventually, whole countries.”
 - Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of the United Nations (1938-2018)


While discussions about flavor profiles, brewing, and origin are commonplace for coffee aficionados, it often goes unnoticed that another major secret to superior coffee is coffee grown by women farmers. Let’s look at just some of the reasons why woman-grown coffee just tastes better and why we believe in supporting these women.

Women Have a Natural Instinct for Nurturing
It is a well-known fact that women around the world are recognized for their innate natural instinct to nurture. Their nurturing spirit and compassion are essential for growing crops, raising animals, and taking care of the environment.

Women Show Great Attention to Detail
Women farmers often exhibit meticulous attention to detail throughout the coffee-growing process. From ensuring optimal growing conditions to harvesting only the best coffee cherries - every step is carefully managed. This dedication and the focus on quality over quantity translate into higher-quality beans, which results in tasting coffee.

Women Have Strength and Determination
Women are strong and resilient, and it’s becoming even more common to see them doing the heavy lifting on the farm. From literally lifting heavy things to running the farm themselves, female farmers are holding their own and doing what it takes to take care of their land and get the job done. A willingness to commit to a project – another quality many women possess – inherently goes along with having the strength and determination to do so.

Women Support Sustainable Practices
As stewards of their farm, woman-owned coffee farms embrace sustainable farming practices. These include organic methods, biodiversity conservation, and environmental stewardship. And all this loving care not only benefit the ecosystem but also enhances the flavor profile of the coffee beans.

Woman Contribute to Their Communities
Women farmers are at the center of their communities. When women are empowered through farming, they reinvest in their families and communities. This fosters a sense of pride, encouraging all farmers to strive for excellence in their craft. This community-centered approach contributes to a sense of purpose that is reflected in the coffee's superior taste.

Women Have Unique Perspectives
Women bring unique perspectives to coffee farming. Their deep connection to the land, coupled with their innate nurturing instincts, influences their approach to cultivation. This perspective often results in innovative farming techniques and a deeper understanding of the coffee plant's needs. Such insights can lead to richer, more complex flavors in the final cup of coffee.

Women are Challenging Gender Equality
Women typically invest more of their earnings in their families and communities than men. When they have control over their productive assets and incomes, their families and communities benefit from access to better food, education, and health care. Recent studies have shown that if women worldwide had the same access to productive resources as men, they could increase yields on their farms by 20–30%. 

A Woman and her Love 
When you consider that everything is energy, love can be the most important ingredient in the coffee beans you brew.  And who, better than women, to add this magical ingredient.

In Conclussion

Woman-grown coffee offers a myriad of benefits that contribute to its superior taste. From attention to detail and sustainable practices to unique perspectives and community empowerment, the influence of women in coffee farming is undeniable.

The momentum behind women's empowerment is just starting to be recognized.  And Signature Coffee is proud to be a part of this movement, by supporting the women who grow some of our favorite coffees.

Supporting woman-grown coffee not only promotes gender equality but also ensures fair compensation and better working conditions for women in coffee-producing regions. By choosing woman-grown coffee, you not only support these women but you get to enjoy a richer, more flavorful coffee experience. And as you enjoy the efforts of their labor, think about the immense impact you’re having on their lives and on the planet. Support women grown coffee, and feel good about the coffee you drink.



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